December 18, 2013

December 18, 2013
In this article, I am going to explain the step by step procedure to install Magento on server using SSH (Secure SHell). By using SSH, we can able to install Magento on server in few minutes. Before installing Magento, we need to check whether the hosting server is compatible with magento.

Step 1 :

To check the hosting server compatibility, read the Magento Requirements page carefully, and make sure your server meets those. To test the server, download the magento-check file from the Magento website and run the "magento-check.php" file on the server by navigating like "magento/magento-check.php".

Click Here to download the magento-check file. (

Step 2 :

Login to your hosting environmant usign SSH with your valid SSH username and password.

Step 3 :

Run the below commands in SSH command line.

tar -zxvf magento-
mv magento/* magento/.htaccess .
chmod -R o+w media
./pear mage-setup .
./pear install magento-core/Mage_All_Latest-stable
touch var/.htaccess | mkdir app/etc
chmod o+w var var/.htaccess app/etc
rm -rf downloader/pearlib/cache/* downloader/pearlib/download/*
rm -rf magento/ magento-

Step 4 :

If you run into an error like:

exec: 94: php not found error 

trying to run

sudo ./pear mage-setup 

then the php client is not installed properly. To solve this install it using this:

sudo apt-get install php5-cli

Step 5:

Run the Web-Based Installer to Finish the Installation. Your Magento site is up and running. You may also install custom extensions using ssh protocol like this:

./pear install EXTENSION_KEY


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